Week two just FLEW 

It was another hot and exciting week here in Punta Gorda. This week Mo and Avery taught some more healthy sexual relationships, consent and abuse, and drugs and alcohol. They have been talking to the guidance counsellor at their school about creating a partnership with the Peer Helper Group. "Peer Helpers" are students who are trained in basic counselling and are available for other students as a resource to talk to. They are really excited to begin working with these students. The cafeteria staff have their lunch order memorized: 1 stewed chicken and rice and beans for Avery, 1 just rice and beans for Mo, 2 watermelon juices. Still can't get enough of it! Laura and Kieran had another fun filled week at TCC. They taught about decision making, gang violence, mental health, healthy sexual relationships, and consent. Students asked a lot of good questions regarding mental health and they were really understanding the issues with mental health stigma. Students are getting more comfortable talking to Laura and Kieran outside of the class. Both pairs got to experience a classic Belizean high school assembly, filled with rap battles, dance offs, poems, prayers, contests, and even live chickens! They were a hoot! Lastly we wanted to wish everyone a happy Mother's Day! Here in PG we celebrated by going to the community Mother's Day party this morning. We listened to Belizean music and celebrated with our welcoming host Ms. Rhoda. We're really excited for our last week in the classrooms of TCC and Julian Cho. Can't wait for more laughs along the way!


Week Three: BYE PG


What's New in Week 2!?