Our First Week in Pond Inlet!
Hi everyone!We arrived safely in Pond Inlet last Thursday (although our luggage didn't arrive until Friday!) and have been busy lesson planning and meeting new people ever since.Today, we starting teaching in the classrooms by doing an introductory lesson with some grade 7 and 8 class in the Junior High at Nasivvik High School. We were also able to get into the elementary school, Ulaajuk Elementary, to teach about healthy relationships/friendships and substance use/abuse to grades 4 and 6. Overall it was a successful first day in all of the classrooms and we look forward to jumping into physical activity and nutrition in the next couple days!We have become frequent shoppers at the local Co-op store and, just yesterday, made it over to the Northern grocery store to drink hot chocolate from the most northern Tim Hortons in the world! How exciting! We also tried bannock for the first time today (made fresh in the school) with cheese whiz. It was delicious! We look forward to the many new experiences to come and are excited to update you once we have had more time teaching.
Until next time,Krista and Emma