One week left in Pond!

Hey everyone!Just wanted to you begin by thanking you all for following our journey thus far. Where has the time gone? We simply cannot believe that our time in Pond will be coming to an end in just 7 short days.After a relaxing long weekend, we started fresh on Monday by teaching a lesson on Nutrition to our Grade 7A class. We followed this with lessons on Sleep Health (Wednesday) and Hygiene (Thursday). On Thursday, we decided to teach our Nutrition lesson to our Grade 8, 9A, and 9B classes, as this particular topic seemed very well received when delivered to our 7A’s. As anticipated, all students responded positively to the lesson, with many realizing how much money they could be saving by limiting their intake of pop ($4.20 a can in Pond!) and other sugary snacks.Unfortunately, we were unable to attend youth group at the library on Wednesday night as such was abruptly cancelled this week. Despite the cancellation, we were able to keep busy by engaging in a variety of after-school activities.While Ryan took part in both the basketball and table tennis programs, Sarah continued her Yoga Club and also invited the grade 7-9 girls to join her on Thursday for Girls Night! It was all the rage with about 15-20 girls hanging out! We had cupcakes and popcorn, which were quickly devoured. The girls had a variety of activities to choose from - crafts (e.g. adult colour books, creating bedroom door decor, or doodling), watching Ratatouille, or having some good old chats about life. It was very successful and such a great way to get to know the lovely girls at Nasivvik!Sadly, Friday marked our final teaching day at Nasivvik High School. For our last week in Pond, we will be teaching Grade 5 and 6 students at Ulaajuk Primary School. Teaching separately, we will be covering lessons on Smoking, Nutrition, Sleep Health, Fire Safety, First Aid, and many others! We will return to Nasivvik on Thursday and Friday with snacks and games to enjoy with our students before our departure Saturday morning! That's all for now! Stayed tuned for our FINAL BLOG POST outlining our experiences in the week ahead!Ryan and Sarah


Fairs and Campfires! - Week #4


Time flies when you're having fun! (Spoiler: we are!)