Time flies when you're having fun! (Spoiler: we are!)

 What an exciting week! Our classroom lessons were centred on mental health for all classes. For older students, this meant learning about what mental health is, an overview of mental illness, and a thorough discussion of coping strategies.Younger students discussed bullying.2016-05-24 16.51.09 HDR-2.jpgTuesday night was Girls’ Night at Missabay! So much fun! We played basketball and the balloon game, ate breakfast for supper, decorated cupcakes, and painted nails. The girls all seemed to have a blast! Thank you to Tommy, a Missabay bus driver, for picking up the girls and driving them home at the end of the night.2016-05-17 15.44.15.jpg2016-05-17 18.17.08.jpg On Wednesday afternoon, we participated in Crolancia’s spring Terry Fox walk. Although Justina would have loved to run, we both hung back to spend some time with the JK/SK class. All the kids were troopers and walked all the way to the airport and back (like 4k!). After school, we were able to host dodgeball intramurals.Thursday night, we drove Crolancia’s 6/7/8 class to Dryden for a field trip. We stayed overnight and then attended a pow wow in the morning. This was such an amazing experience and we were honoured to be able to be involved in such an important cultural activity.After dropping the kids off back in Pickle Lake, we packed up to spend the weekend at (Crolancia teacher) Brent’s cabin. This location has a lot of history in and of itself, so this was another great historical learning opportunity. We also got to canoe, fish, and help Brent get the property ready for the summer. Shoutout to Brent and Dave for being such great hosts!IMG_1485.JPGCan’t wait for another exciting week!Much Love,Allustina


One week left in Pond!


Sun, Spas, and Super Speedy Sprinters