Week 6 what a mix (of emotions)

Wow wow wow wow cannot believe we finished our sixth and final week of teaching!! This week Connor and Lauryn had such an amazing final week at Trial Farm Government School! We taught the standard 4 and 5 classes Sexual Reaponsisbility and HIV/AIDS. On our last couple of days we played a jeopardy review game with the students! It was so awesome to see how much the kids have learned over the last three weeks. We continued to bond with the students during class, at lunch and after school; through talking, dancing, singing, playing basketball and more. We helped out at basketball practice after school a couple of times. On Monday we even bused with the students to cheer on both the boys and girls basketball teams!! We have really grown close to many of the students which made saying goodbye so hard! We will miss all of the staff and students at Trial Farm so much!Chantal and Abby also had a great final week at Carmelita Government School! This week we taught the students bullying, stress, depression and suicide. The children really opened up and expressed their questions and concerns about the topics. We played a lot of football this week and also finished off with a large jeprody game to test their knowledge. Needless to say the children have learned quite a lot during our time here. Don't worry, we still continued to receive bags and bags of mangoes until our very last day. Leaving was the hardest part of this week as we grew very attached to the children. We will miss our little village of Carmelita and the amazing people that came along with it!We cannot thank Trial Farm's and Carmelita's principals and staff for being so welcoming and supportive over the last three weeks!We are overwhelmed with emotions as we write this final blog post. Our time in Belize has been incredible. We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to come to Belize on initiative and work in four amazing schools. As we taught our final classes we didn't realize how hard it would be to say goodbye. We hope the students have learned as much as they have taught us over the past six weeks. We are going to miss being constantly surrounded by contagious laughter and smiles. We are extremely grateful for all of your support in making this initiative possible. We could not have done it without the love and encouragement from our family and friends. Special thanks to all the staff and students we were able to work with and for making Belize really feel like our home away from home.Xoxo primary pals 


Why do all good things come to an end? 


Mango numba 5!