Mango numba 5!

What a week!!! We had a great second week here in Orange Walk! We have eaten our weight in mangoes this week as students love to bring us bags of them daily!! This week Connor and Lauryn had a great week at Trial Farm Government School! The kids really started to get comfortable and open up to us this week. They paid close attention in class and asked really amazing questions. We taught the standard 4, 5 and 6 classes bullying, healthy relationships and abuse, STIs/ HIV and sexual responsibility. Friday was our last day teaching the standard 6 classes because they are preparing for graduation next week, so we played review jeopardy with them. The students really impressed us as they knew the answers to practically every question!! This week Connor and Lauryn also helped out at the girls basketball practice and bonded with the kids playing 3 on 3. We are hoping to go watch the schools basketball games next week!! Chantal and Abby also had a great week at Carmelita Government School. We taught puberty, healthy active living, sexual responsibility and STI's and HIV. We even played a surprise jeopardy game with the standard 6's and they impressed us with how much they knew! We had the opportunity to teach the Standard 4 and 5 PE classes this week and helped with some math and language with the Standard 3's. We also played tons of football this week! Almost everyday either during lunch or after school. The kids always give us a run for our money!!  To end off this fabulous week of teaching we had a sports day on Sunday at Carmelita Government School. We enjoyed a fun morning filled with playing soccer (or as they call it in Belize football), basketball and other games with the kids.  Can't believe we're coming on our last week of teaching here in Belize! Time flies when you're having fun. Xoxo primary pals


Week 6 what a mix (of emotions)


Coming to you LIVE, from Week Five