Slapshotz & Pizza Parties

Jamie and Sarah here again! We are just getting back from the school where we spent most of the day joining in on gym classes. We met so many more wonderful students who are FULL of energy and are amazing at basically every sport and gym activity. The grade 1s, 3s, and 4s chased us down in freeze tag, zombie tag, and duck duck goose and the grade 7/8s dusted us (mostly Sarah) in floor hockey. With the grade two’s we also had the chance to help out with a pizza party (yum!!!)Over the next few days we will be continuing to join in on more gym classes to get to know the students more and more. The teachers have been so amazing at letting us in on their classrooms and helping us arrange schedules for teaching our health topics, which will be beginning next week! We are also planning on attending a beading class tomorrow night held by women in the community as well as some community workout sessions, both of which we are very excited for!! We hope to meet more members from the community as the week goes on and already feel so welcomed from the ones we have met!~Later days~Sarah and JamieQuote of the Day: “Any pizza is a personal pizza if you believe in yourself” (inspired by the Grade 2 pizza party)


Gym, Gym and MORE GYM!


Hey hey from Webequie!