Weeeeeeeeek 4

Hello dedicated blog followers,This week we continued to teach about identifying and dealing with our emotions in the younger grades. This involved some fun games such as Simon Says (emotions version) and Charades. We also started our sexual health unit with the older grades, teaching about healthy relationships, consent, and puberty. So far the kids have been particularly engaged in the sexual health topics and are overflowing with curiosity!We got to head out to spring camp again this week for a day with the 5/6 class. It was another day filled with exciting outdoor activities such as collecting frogs at ponds, watching tadpoles hatch, running around the forest on a scavenger hunt, making art, watching eagles, and we even stumbled upon some bear tracks.Throughout the week, we continued to be busy after school. We’ve been improving our athletic ability playing soccer outside with the kids, as well as basketball and floor hockey in the gym! We’ve also continued our attendance at boot camp every day (nadia can now do 5 push-ups!). The evenings we weren’t playing sports we got to run some fun after school programs! Jonah hosted a boys night, baking peanut butter cookies and playing card games, while Nadia hosted a girls night that was spent doing yoga, painting nails and colouring. We also helped run our weekly movie night. This week’s film of choice was Captain America, while the snack of choice was eating our body weight in popcorn once again!It is hard to believe that we’re approaching our final week in Fort Providence! We’ve been busy planning for our final exciting days in the classroom, as well as some fun and surprising after-school programs for all the students.Until next time from beautiful Fort Providence,Nadia and Jonah


Hand Drums, Guinea Pigs and Pancakes - Week 4!


Week Four = DONE