Week One = DONE
HEY HEY HEY!!Your fave Sal Pals are back at it again!!! We hope you haven't quite fallen asleep in our absence... but we have briefly returned to grace you with a splendid update once again.Some highlights from this week include:
- First day in the classrooms this Friday (WOOT)
- First FULL day of teaching TODAY (!!!!!!!)
- Helped out with the community movie night on Friday (all proceeds went toward the graduating class at Ikusik)
- Helped out at breakfast club, healthy cooking club and arts and crafts club after school
- Did a KILLER leg workout Saturday and are STILL sore...
- Explored the beautiful community of Salluit near the water and met some VERY cute furry friends (pictures to follow)
- Went to church on Sunday and met some very welcoming community members!!
- Got into competitive beading (Emma now has 10 anklets)
Sooooo as you can see, we've been really busy but are really happy and are definitely LOVING every second of it up here!Fabulous Funny story of the week: Abby decided it was a good idea to arm wrestle a particularly competitive grade six student after movie night. After a good 15 minutes of struggle and pain, said child declared themselves triumphant and Abby grudgingly conceded defeat.Classy Classroom story of the week: Today we taught a lesson on bullying at the Boys Rehabilitation Centre using a particularly blue tube of icing. It got everywhere. But that's besides the point.Here's a breakdown of the activity: We squeezed out the entire tube of icing, provided the boys with spoons, tape and paper, and told them to put all the icing back into the tube. (you're probably thinking, whaaaaat??). Eventually the boys came up with a system to get most of the icing inside. However, they quickly realized it was impossible to put ALL the icing back in, and even when they had finished as much as they could, the tube no longer looked like it did when they had begun (even if it had been expertly taped together like a hockey stick...using the whole roll of tape).ANYWAY: the icing represents hurtful words that we say to others. No matter how hard we try to say sorry and make everything better - or try and put the icing back in, we will never be able to fully go back on our word - or get all the icing inside. (awwww). The boys responded really well to the activity and seemed to have really grasped our analogy. *proud Emma/Abby fist bumps*so here's a picture of Emma with "A PUPPYYYY" (I hope you read that with Emma's voice) and Abby chilling(aka collapsing) on the ground during our hike (asthma meds not pictured)Peace out girl scouts!Love, Abby and Emma