Soccer, Slumber Parties, and Snow!

We truly cannot believe that we have already reached the halfway point in our initiative! Time really does fly when you're having fun. When we awoke on Friday, we were surprised to find that winter had returned - so much snow!This week, we taught 3 days at Missabay and 2 at Crolancia. Our lessons focused on alcohol and drugs, healthy relationships, consent, and personal hygiene.IMG_1265.JPGThe kids knock on our door almost every day now, so we have been playing tons of tag and other outdoor games. After school on Wednesday, we joined in on the weekly dodgeball intramural and then spent the evening with the JCRs. Friday night was Sleepover Night at Crolancia, so we of course joined in on the excitement. There were games, snacks, sports, lights-out zombie tag and even a movie!! In the morning, we helped make french toast and bacon for breakfast.IMG_1281IMG_1274.jpgOn Saturday (after a quick post-sleepover nap), we lesson planned and went for a hike. Despite there still being snow on the ground, Justina was able to join the kids for an informal game of soccer in the evening.Stay tuned for some very exciting updates on Girls' and Boys' nights at both schools over the next couple of weeks!Much Love,Allustina


Beading, Bananas and Bonding, OH MY!


Week 4: Sports, Sunsets, Sandcastles & More!