12 Pizzas Later..

We had a great time teaching in the grade 10-12 science classes this past week. The students were very receptive and interested in the topics we were teaching and it generated lots of good discussions. We taught classes on smoking, marijuana, alcohol, sexually transmitted infections, contraceptives, consent and suicide. The students were very receptive and interested in gaining more information about ways to quit smoking and where to seek help.

DSC_0724We also got to attend a school-wide pep rally for the men and women’s volleyball teams who were headed to Iqaluit for a tournament this weekend. It was great to be able to experience the pride that Naskivik high has for their sports teams and nice to send them off with a loud cheer. We hope many of the students get selected to participate in the Arctic Winter Games!

We had our very last sports night this past Thursday, which was lots of fun as usual. We played a variety of games including volleyball, ping pong, hockey and of course a big basketball game at the end.


We also had our girl’s night on Friday evening from 3:15-9:30. We started it off with some healthy snacks and sports, and then proceeded to do hair and makeup while preparing our 12 homemade pizzas and cupcakes. We were sure to make extra pizzas this time as the boys last Friday had only gotten one slice each. Instead of not having enough pizza we found ourselves having made too much. However, on the bright side no on complained about still being hungry. After filling up on the yummy pizza the girls did some finishing touches to their hair, makeup and nails before our BIG fashion show.

To set the tone of the fashion show as promised we performed the following song for the girls. The first part is a parody of The Fresh Prince of Bellair while the second portion of the song is from the movie Frozen.


“In northern Canada born in raised on the iceberg is where I spent most of my days.

chilling out maxin acting all cool hunting some caribou outside the school

When a couple of seals that were up to no good, started making trouble in my neighbourhood.

I got a little bit of frost bite and Rachel got scared, she said you're moving with your moving back to Kingston *wait that's not fair *


Do you want to go to flow edge? And check out all the seals

We never go hunting anymore come on out the door salmon creek is on the way.

We could stop at the C store or maybe not we drink soda everyday

QHO QHO we love to be in the snow

QHO QHO pond Inlet is our home

We don't care that you let them rip let the farts rage on

The smell never bothered me anyway “

We dimmed the lights in the gym and attempted to create a runway where the girls would walk down and strike a pose for our paparazzi. The girls really enjoyed this part of the night and it was nice being able to see the different personalities shine through on the catwalk. After the fashion show we put on the movie Pitch Perfect and cleaned up the kitchen. Overall it was a really fun night for both the students and us.


We are extremely excited to be teaching in the elementary school for the first time in the mornings next week and in the grade 12 classes in the afternoon. We can’t believe it is our last week but we know it will be extremely jam packed with activities as there is the graduation dinner and prom taking place.

Until next time,

Jill and Kaitlyn


Adventure is out there, and we’ve found it in Pickle Lake!


That's a Wrap!