Hello everyone!
Has a year gone by already?! We think it’s time we introduce our QHO Peer Educators – Erin and Meighan! These two supergirls will be heading up North to Fort Providence at the end of April!
*Cue Countdown*
Since the fall, we’ve had a busy and exciting year preparing for the first year of the QHO program in DehGah School! I bet you’ve been wondering what we’ve been up to all this time… let us fill you in:
1. Meetings, meetings, and more meetings
Our calendars are filled with QHO meetings (don’t you worry – there’s always snacks to get us through). A sneak peek at our schedule would look like: weekly initiative specific meetings where we discuss logistics and plan fundraisers, QHO-wide education sessions where we practice teach and learn different strategies for teaching sensitive topics, and one-on-one meetings each term to discuss questions, concerns and, of course, feelings.
2. FUNdrai$ing
This initiative would not be possible without the incredible fundraising efforts of QHO and our Peer Educators! From selling Exam-o-Grams and by-donation yoga nights, to organizing coat checks at Karaoke nights, we’ve been able make this initiative financially possible and have had a ton of fun along the way! We’d like to give a special shout-out to our honouray Bison Babe, Hava, for her dedication to the initiative and spectacular fundraising efforts! Thank you Hava!!
3. Bonding
From extending meetings into informal hangouts to full-fledged QHO-wide weekend retreats, we’ve become such great friends, a little family!
4. Logistics
Book flights, rides, accommodations – thank you to everyone we’ve been in touch with – this would not be possible without your help!
5. Learning!!
All year has been a continuous learning experience; we’ve engaged in critical discussions about Canada’s colonial history, being reflexive of our own positionalities, watching documentaries, reading books, attending Aboriginal Cultural Safety workshops and asking questions. To be continued in Prov…
Now as the final weeks are ticking down, anticipation is building up as we finish up exams and prepare for take-off!
Love two very proud bison bubbies,
Allie & Lauren