Week 5... Warm Weather, Cold Water!
Hello everybody!Hope all is well back at home! We have a few adventures to update you on, as well as a few pictures of the beautiful weather we’ve had up in Pickle Lake!After our very successful girls night, of course we had to host an even crazier boys night! Boys night consisted of some indoor floor hockey as well as an activity relay race where they had to put their different skills to the test. Foul shots followed by mystery shots, diving for candies in whip cream, hockey shooting, football snapping were all legs of the race. We were surprised by how well the boys knew their own strengths and worked as a team to complete the race. It was a ton of fun, and we can prove it with some pictures!
On the school side of things, we are definitely working our way through the health curriculum. Our little kindergartners are learning about friendship, safety, and healthy vs. unhealthy foods. The 1,2,3 class is working hard on motor skills in the gym as well as learning about bullying, nutrition, and bike safety. Throwing it back to some Franklin videos from our childhood kept them all engaged about helmet safety. We always knew Franklin was a winner! Our older grades finished up nutrition and had a large focus on puberty and sexual health, which they had some giggles. Lastly our high school class is working on learning about a specific health topic and designing a creative way to present it to the class. Some of the topics include substance abuse, healthy relationships, bullying, and mental health. They chose the topic on their own and we have guided their research and progress, and are hoping to have some finished products next week! Definitely looking forward to seeing what they have come up with.Sports club is a steady four times a week, and now that the weather is nice we have had the chance to enjoy the sunshine and some sports. What more could a couple of PHE students ask for? We may get a little competitive sometimes…. but it’s just for fun right?Weekends have been busy and fun filled. We’ve been on two separate camping adventures since we last left you. Here are some pictures and a couple stories to share.Mud Lake:We took off on the long weekend with Brent, Kayla, Korben and Nathan for a fun getaway to Mud Lake. Only 30 minutes down the road, but far enough to set up a camp and try and catch some fish! Walleye season opened Sunday, and Brent was eager for us to catch dinner. A couple of hours later, there was no catch of the day, but we had tangled a few fishing rods. First time wasn’t the charm apparently. We accompanied Brent on his yearly May long weekend “polar dip”. The water was a whopping 40 degrees F and our destination was an iceberg about 30 feet out. Brent lead the way, followed by John, and then the Mish crew hopped in. Safe to say Jenna was in last place (very much so) with the two kids and Brent for some moral and physical support. After the refreshing dip in the water, we hung out by the fire, and enjoyed the sun as we thawed out from the deep freeze of Mud Lake. No fish for us this long weekend, but keep on reading for some news on round two in Lac Seul.
Lac Seul:This past weekend, we set out on another adventure with the Junior Rangers program. We left Friday afternoon, and with a few pit stops made it to Lac Seul around 9:30pm, which was too late to get to the camp site. We stayed in a rec center with the kids, which made for a fun night of sports, food and a movie to fall asleep to. We got up, had a nice walk around Lac Seul and set out for our campsite by boat. We went for a second round of polar dipping hoping for some warmer water (which we didn’t find, still around 40 degrees F), as Aaron, our hunter-gatherer set out to fish for the afternoon. John made it in the water first, and Jenna again needed Brent’s support (push) to get into the water. A nice boat tour of the lake ended off our evening after a long day in the sun. Aaron had a successful afternoon coming home with 5 fish that we fried up on Sunday night. It made for a delicious dinner after a long day in the car!
T-minus 12 days until we leave Pickle, and still some fun times ahead of us! We don’t want to give away too many hints but we’ll keep you posted with another blog before we’re done! See you all very soon! #WeTheNorth,