
Hello from Webequie!UntitledOur journey began in Toronto, where we met up at Pearson International Airport and flew out to beautiful Thunder Bay (home of our ever fabulous co-director, Fab!) We checked in at the Airlane hotel, then headed straight to the nearest grocery store to stock up on much needed groceries to bring up north. The hotel also offered complementary breakfast, which we eagerly accepted.IMG_0701Around noon, we headed over to the airport, bags in tow, eager as can be ... only to be met with the unfortunate news that Wasaya airlines (our flight up north) was unable to guarantee any of our luggage would be on the flight up with us. There was no guarantee the luggage would make it on any subsequent flights either. Pulling out all our charm, we managed to ensure 3 out of our 5 bags were on our flight.IMG_0707The flight up north was breathtakingly beautiful. We sat silently in awe, unable to tear our eyes away from the little airplane windows.IMG_0730As beautiful as the flight was, Amy was not a fan of the landing experience. While Amy suffered through a few panic stricken moments, Kersh was nothing but calm, cool and collected.IMG_0746Doug, a member of the school staff, picked us up and dropped us off at this little brown house. We decided to explore the community a little on our own and were greeted by the friendliest (and cutest!) welcoming committee ever:IMG_0803It's currently Cultural Week at school, so we won't be teaching until next week. Many community members are also away hunting geese (which we get to prepare and eat Friday!)We are taking every opportunity to experience as much of Cultural Week as possible, while also bonding with the kids (who are the sweetest, funniest and most hockey loving kids ever!)IMG_0837We'll share our cultural week experience in the next blog, as well as update everyone on the much anticipated luggage saga. (To say the least, Kersh has been such a trooper, surviving the past few wet, icy and muddy days on only 1 pair of socks and some highly un-winter friendly shoes). Until next time!Amy and Kersh


Welcome to Nunavik!


Welcome to Pond!