Pickle Lake: Our Second Week!

Hi Everyone! It has been another wonderful week at Crolancia. Our emphasis was on Nutrition and Physical Health at school and we were able to discuss subjects such as food labels, macronutrients, and food marketing with the 4,5 and 6,7,8 classes. It was very fulfilling to use our personal academic experiences in both psychological studies and nutrition trends to enhance the class discussions. Both classes enjoyed seeing the tooth decay that resulted from immersing a tooth in Pepsi overnight and it was a wonderful visual representation of the effects of sugar.  It has been really great getting involved with the different activities that Pickle Lake offers. We both very much enjoy volunteering at Breakfast Club at Crolancia as it is a wonderful way to get to know the students better. As Mother's Day is soon, we helped the children with an after-school craft that we know the Pickle Lake moms will enjoy. We also helped out at the community Mother's Day brunch this morning as it was really nice to meet more members of the community. This afternoon we organized a game of Stones (a variation of capture the flag) and we were really happy to spend some quality time with the kids. It was great watching how involved all the kids were, regardless of age. There is definitely lots of athletic talent in Pickle Lake!A very happy (early) Mother's Day to our own moms, as well as everyone else!Pickle Love,Julia and Maggie 


Goodbye Trail Mix...yes, we bought the one with M&M's (...yes, we know we deceived you Ellie)


Mishkeegogamang: Teaching in Missabay!!