Let's get physical- Physical Health that is!

We are now done our second day teaching at Nasivvik High School in Pond, and it has been awesome and very educational so far- for us definitely, and we hope for the students! Yesterday we taught 2 grades seven classes and 2 grade eight classes. All the students were great participants in the lessons, and had a bunch of questions for our question box afterwards (although a few of these questions went something like "Liz is cute". Participation still!!). The lesson yesterday was personal and dental hygiene. A big thanks to Nick Roberti for hooking us up with some teeth from his dentist friend back home- we plunked these pulled molars in a cup of coke overnight, and in today's lessons everyone got to see the results of pop on our choppers! "Ew" was a pretty standard response.We also ventured out and met some more people around town the last couple nights as well! Although Reba was a little delirious and had to stay home Monday night because of some flu symptoms, Liz made it out to Monday night Hip-Hop at Nasivvik. As I'm sure you can imagine, she was one of the biggest hits there, having to battle two separate times, and dance some solos in front of everyone assembled. Liz was so into her moves that there was no time for pictures, therefore this blog post should be read with inventive imaginations for highest quality viewing. The kids were still talking about Liz's moves today, and we can't wait until next Monday for round 2! Tonight, we both headed down to the C-Hall to watch a play put on by some community members. The play is called "Changes" and was originally written and performed in Pond in 1984! It has not been performed anywhere since, but a couple members of the original cast were in this performance as well- really cool! The play was about what happened to some Inuit families with the introduction of the fur-trade, alcohol, religion, and the RCMP in Mittimatalik (Pond) earlier in the 20th century- very thought provoking. It was mostly in Inuktitut, but there was a lot of traditional dancing, singing, and throat singing (so awesome to watch!) and we could definitely follow along with the plot, even if we didn't understand what everyone was laughing at so hard at times. After the play, we hung out in the C-hall with a bunch of the students that had come to see the play as well, and we met lots more from Ulaajuk Primary school that we had not had the chance to meet yet.All in all, it's been a pretty action packed and amazing 2 days. Can't wait for tomorrow, but for now we are signing off and moving on to lesson planning for the rest of the evening!Later gators!!Strong Northern feeling of love!Liz and Reba


Week 1 in Webby!


Gaining 20 pounds on bannock