Cause baby there ain’t no iceberg tall enough to keep us from comin back to Pond!

What a wonderful weekend we had here in Pond! It all started with the flea market in the C-Hall. It was awesome to see all the authentic homemade food and items, and it was great to see so many people of the community all united in the same place. Not only did we realize we could not justify buying $10 orange juice at the store, but we also realized we could afford bannock… and lots of it. After all that eating we figured we better do something active to sweat those calories away so we hung out with our new pal and his dog. Reba and he thought they were some tough characters.It was an absolutely beautiful day here with the sun shining and snow starting to melt so we thought we would be adventurous and take a little hike out to the iceberg anchored about an hour from town. After realizing how bad our distance perception really is we finally made it, and it was worth every bead of sweat! We could not get over how beautiful and calm it was, to the point we considered making an igloo and cuddling a piece of ice there all night. We then realized our first day of teaching is TOMORROW!! We are so excited to start meeting all of the kids and seeing how our first four lessons of our physical health week go. We may be even more stoked to show off our skills tomorrow night in hip hop class…we studied the new Justin Bieber “Boyfriend” music video to get prepared…yeaaa be intimidated. That is all for now folks, time to turn in for our busy day tomorrow! Pondtanic out,Rizeba 


Gaining 20 pounds on bannock


Brrrrrrrrrrrrr It's cold in here.... we must be Ontarians in this Northern-sphere! (we are lame and loving it)