After hours of packing aka stuffing every possible item we own into hockey bags we own as true Canadians (Toronto Maple Leafs bag represent !!.... haters gonna hate) we think we are finally prepared to leave K-town. Even though our self-esteem took quite the beating when we realized we really aren’t as jacked as we think we are once it came to lifting them, Pond here we come! WE COULD NOT BE MORE EXCITED! After experiencing a night of luxury in a hotel here in Ottawa Home Alone 2 stylez we will fly out early in the morning, and after a couple plane rides we will be in Pond early tomorrow night. Don’t worry everyone we have Gravol on standby. Wish us luck and keep following as we fill you in on the amazing people we are about to meet and experiences we will have! Miss everyone already and tons of Northern Love, Reba McEntire and Liza Minnelli 


Pickle Lake: Football MVP's and lots of TVP


Pickle Lake: Greetings from Thunder Bay!!!