Hi Yemma! Hi Yemma!
Hello dear friends!Glad to know although it feels like another world up here, you know you're still in Canada when you can hear hockey blaring on the TV and see little kids shooting a puck around on the pond outside Alice's house. They really do play all night! The busy house has cleared our for the weekend as everyone has gone off on a 5 hour skidoo ride/seal hunt to the cabin for the weekend. I'm sure much of the town will do the same. We're looking forward to holding down the fort, Emma being chef extrondinaire, Ellie contributing with Hannah Montana seminars and laughing at everything. Last night we had our first taste of caribou and it was indeed tasty! Alice knows how to cook up a mean stew (Emma wants the recipe). Ely's grandaughter Aaliks (Alex) hangs out most evenings, she is 23 and really interesting. She wants to go to Carleton for anthropology but in the mean time substitutes at Nasivvik. So far our chats have been extremely informative but it's also nice to have someone our age in the community to talk to. You realize pretty quick that we all have a lot in common no matter where you're from.Yesterday we headed to the highschool bright and early and found the mega box of QHO stuff... thanks for your REALLY EXCITING PERSONAL letter Emily and Sarah (not). We met Tessa who is an awesome lady and so supportive of everything we do. She wants to help us coordinate a weekly girls crafts and a big girls night near the end of the year!! She also gave us keys to the school muahahaha. We were suprised to learn from the principal that we are in charge of a 30 hour, two week long CTS (career and technology services) course on leadership. SWEET!! What an amazing opportunity since that was one of our main goals! A tad daunting to say the least but we have put in a few good brainstorming session and we are excited about going for it! Also great news, we put up a schedule and it is practically full! Teaching begins on Monday with a hilariously rowdy Grade 7 class we have spent a couple periods with. In the afternoon we went up to the Arctic College to help out with a fundraiser and discovered a sweet idea for next year, a game called 'String Pull'... to be elaborated on at a later date. We won $20 though!! (which we then bought 10 polar bear cookies with... no we didn't eat them all ourselves).
Today we rocked up to the health center and met with Appiah, our main girl, who gave us loads of resources, from plastic hamburgers to the Nunavut food guide. We lugged home an entire box of health goodies, even though we were offered many rides by curious onlookers as we struggled up the hill. With a stop-off at Ulaajuk (elementary) we made plans to come in with our leadership program team! Awesome! Our day ended with the Arctic College grad which was very moving (Emma cried as she is also graduating, and is a wuss) and caught the end of the Friday night movie night at the school. It was Transformers 2. Ellie only laughed once, it must not be very good.One last thing, everyone thinks we're twins but can only remember Emma's name. Luckily Ellie has made friends with the dog next door who is a Saint Bernard. We have affectionately named him FMB (freaking massive beast).Ps. Ellie is actually terrified of him.Tavvauvuti from where the sun never sets,Alice’s Angels