

It's crazy to think that it's already been a week here in Georgetown! We said goodbye to the Berbesties (Shannen, Lexi, Patrick, Cora) and our lovely program director Maddy (we miss you guys!!) and found ourselves officially on our own. We have been busy orienting ourselves around this city, keeping our eyes open for any opportunities for future QHO partnerships.

Becca + Shayna after their Form 4 intro to health class!

This week, we made progress getting into Georgetown public schools and taught our first classes at Chase's Academic Foundation. The introduction lessons were a success and the students had so much fun playing health based Jeopardy. After meeting with the head teachers at Adult Education Association (AEA) and Reyaz Business Institute (RBI), we are eager and excited for the full week of teaching we have coming our way.

We also had the pleasure of meeting all those involved at the amazing Ruimveldt Children's Aid Centre over the course of this past week. The kids are full of energy, and we are in awe of all of the hard work that goes into running the centre. Shayna is so excited to be working on a dance with the older girls, getting them ready for an event they have this week. We are all looking forward to returning to the centre this Tuesday!

Also on next week's agenda, we have a full slate of classes and our first appearance on NTN- The National Television Network! We are looking forward to continuing QHO's progress made on the news last year by raising awareness and initiating important conversations about relevant health topics on a national scale.

To top off this amazing week, this morning we joined the company of 6 manatees (Steve, Louis, Margarette, Harvey, Bessie and Hank the Tank) after our workout at the national park. We will definitely be back to visit our newfound friends soon!!

That's all for now,

The Georgetown Crew


Week 2 in G-Town


Move-in, Meetings and Mosquitos