Week 4 Couldn't Ask for More!
Can't believe we are over half way through initiative! Our first week in Orange Walk flew by and we feel very comfortable in our new environment!
Can't believe we are over half way through initiative! Our first week in Orange Walk flew by and we feel very comfortable in our new environment! Chantal and Abby are teaching at Carmelita Government school in Carmelita village, which is about 30 minutes outside of Orange walk town! We bus to school everyday and even saw some water buffalo on our way in! Although we certainly miss Hills of Promise we are excited to be at our new school. The staff and students were extremely welcoming and were happy to have us! This week we taught the standard 4,5 and 6s peer influence, bullying and healthy relationships. Friday was a half day so after school we played a big football game with all the students which they really enjoyed and brought the various classes together which was fun! Connor and Lauryn are teaching at Trial Farm Government school. Trial Farm is about a 20 minute bus ride away from where we are staying in Orange Walk. It took us a while to get a hang of the buses here and almost ended up in Mexico; but don't worry we made it to school by lunch. The principal and entire teaching staff have been so flexible with their schedules for us and have made us feel so welcome! They even introduced us to the entire school at an assembly! Trial Farm is a much larger school than Eden. We definatley miss Eden but love that we can teach even more students here! We are teaching sixteen different classes at Trial Farm compared to six classes at Eden. This week we taught the standard 4,5 and 6s peer influence, healthy relationships and abuse. The students learned a lot and we are so more excited for two more weeks with them!Orange walk is certainly different from San Ignacio as we are more inland and are not as close to town as we were during the first half of initiative. However, we are making the most of it and enjoying spending lots and lots of time together and having fun making our own meals! Looking forward to what else Orangewalk has to offer!! Xoxo primary pals