Life's what you make it so let's make it hot 

And just like that week 5 has come and gone in San Ignacio. We can't believe that there is only one week left of initiative!  The Primary Team has had an amazing week teaching lots of lessons and really connecting with the kids in both schools. Monday was a holiday here in Belize so the girls caught up on some much needed rest and planned out their lessons for this week.  It was another hot week here in San Ignacio, but our bodies are definitely adjusting (although slowly). Yesterday was also Lindsay's 22nd birthday and we are so happy we had the opportunity to help her celebrate! Sam and Sierra had another fantastic week teaching at Eden Primary School! This week, they taught Drugs and Substance Abuse, Abuse and Healthy Relationships and Puberty to the Standard 4, 5 and 6 classes. They also had the opportunity to play a review game on Tuesday and were so impressed to see how much the kids remembered from last week! Teaching Puberty on Thursday and Friday was really a turning point in all of their classes. The girls split up their classes into boys and girls on Friday which really allowed them to connect with the students and talk more candidly to their groups. They both got some awesome questions in the smaller groups and no one wanted class to end! They are so sad that this is their last week at Eden Primary but are determined to make it the best week yet! Lindsay and Bianca had a very enjoyable week at Kuxlin Ha Government School. They teach three Standard 4 classes, three Standard 5 classes and four Standard Six classes and rotate the classes around to teach 5 classes each day. All week they were teaching puberty and sexual responsibility. The students were eager to learn and although there were a few giggles and laughs, the lessons were very well received. Lindsay and Bianca would also split the classes up into "girl talk/boy talk" to give the students an opportunity to talk about puberty without being embarrassed in front of their classes. Many teachers have questions for us has well which has been terrific! Signing off from the San Ignacio heat,Sam, Sierra, Lindsay and Bianca 


Cancer walks and leadership talks 


Secondary takes on the big city