It's almost here..

Belize in 17 days!!

The primary project is very enthusiastic to be leaving for Belize in just a few weeks. We, the four primary Peer Educators, have been working hard all year to prepare for project. Since October, we have been setting goals for the project, fundraising in some pretty ingenious ways, editing lesson plans, and literally counting down the days until we leave for Belize. Whether it was selling hot dogs or balloons on cold winters' nights, getting together for slumber parties or feasting on all-you-can-eat fajitas, the Belize team has really bonded in preparation for our 6 weeks together on project. Our good ol' Project Directors have been whipping us into tip-top shape during practice teaching sessions. We have really worked hard to tweak our lessons and refine our teaching skills. Our last 3 weeks of preparation are definitely going to be busy ones. In the midst of writing our final exams, we are going to be reviewing lesson plans, preparing our final lesson materials, and packing in between all of this. It's hard to fall asleep at night with all the excitement of project looming upon us!!

The Primary Project is thrilled to be teaching in new schools in districts that we were unable to teach last year! We will be teaching in Dangriga in the Stann Creek district for the first two weeks of project. Following this, we will teach in the Orange Walk District, and finally will be teaching in Belize City for the last two weeks of project. We are stoked at the idea of being able to again spend an entire week in each school that we teach. We are also especially excited to introduce two new lesson plans into the primary project, as we have been preparing them all year. Firstly, we will commence teaching a group violence lesson, as many teachers have requested this lesson in previous years. Secondly, we are hoping to introduce teacher workshops in the districts that we visit, so that QHO Belize may collaborate with teachers and spread our lessons to as many schools as possible. All in all, the level of anticipation and excitement among the primary project is truly unbelizeable, and we really cannot wait to get there!

Until Belize City,

Team Primary,

Emily, Alex, Erica, Kathleen


6 days until Belize!... Secondary's final words before departure!


Thunderstruck in Sarteneja