First few days in beautiful Belize!
Yesterday the Peer education group was sent to 2 different schools in the Cayo District - Sacred Heart Junior College and High School and Mont Carmel Secondary School. The day started off by meeting with the councilors and arranging our schedules to come in and peer educate. We all taught Communications and Values as the first lesson of the peer educator training to students 12-16 years old. Overall, we all felt that we reached out to a good group of students. We were happy to see the same students along with some of their friends the today.Yesterday we went to the Belize Family Life Association (BFLA); this is QHO's connection with the Belizean community. Here we were asked to run an open house in a neighbouring city, Belmopan, the next day. We immediately began to buy supplies and prepare stations for the open house. Early this morning we made our way to Belmopan to help with the set-up and implementation of the activities for the students who joined us at the open house. The peer educators had to leave early to teach at their schools, so the project directors stayed behind to help with the last group of students and clean up.We are excited to continue on with this week and graduate our first group of peer educators on Friday.